Extended Cruises

Overnight Cruises may be to a single destination, such as a yacht club, marina or anchorage, or multiple destinations, and may last for two days to several weeks. Generally, single-destination cruises are scheduled for two nights, three days. Most cruises can accommodate both displacement-speed boats (6-8 knots) and fast boats. The distances are usually not great between individual marinas and anchorages, and the slower boats can leave earlier to arrive in time for scheduled events.


The Boating Schedule for the next several months is published monthly in the Marker 73. Destinations, dates, names of the Cruise Leaders, and required deposits are indicated. The most up-to-date schedule may be accessed on the GHYC website at gulfharbouryachtclub.org.

Cruise Leaders

Boating events are led by volunteer Cruise Leaders (usually two couples).  They handle all the planning and arrangements.  They ensure that you will have a very enjoyable time socializing, partying and enjoying the great boating and cruising opportunities of Southwest Florida.

First-time cruisers and those who are hesitant to visit other destinations are especially welcome.  During a Captains’ Meeting prior to each overnight cruise, the Cruise Leaders discuss the events, destinations, navigation instructions, arrangements and any other information that will contribute to a safe, enjoyable cruise.  If you encounter problems during the cruise (run aground, engine or generator malfunctions, etc.), your fellow GHYC cruisers are there to assist.  Whether it is spare parts, technical knowledge, or just providing a tow, you can count on having help.

We are always looking for volunteers to lead cruises. Leading a cruise is fun and rewarding.  First-time Leaders are usually paired with experienced cruise leaders.  For overnight cruises, they usually start as Assistant Cruise Leaders, working under the direction of experienced Cruise Leaders.  Lunch Cruises are easy to organize and offer ideal opportunities to volunteer as a Cruise Leader for the first time.


To ensure that all GHYC members have an equal chance to participate in boating events of their choice, the Board of Directors has approved the following revised standardized registration policy and procedures.

Boaters’ Night Meetings

Each month the Boaters’ Night Meeting will begin with an overview of the upcoming Extended Cruises which will be presented by the Cruise Leaders. They will be available to answer questions but will not open registration at these meetings anymore.

Cruise Opening Dates

Although the Cruising Calendar is published for the year, all cruises are not open for immediate sign-up. Members will receive an email blast advising them of the EXACT DATE & TIME that the Cruise Event will be open for registration. Members interested in registering for the event should send an email by responding to the Email Event Notification providing the information requested by the cruise leader. The Email Event Notification will generally be received by all members a week or more in advance of the Selection Process.

Selection Process for Extended Cruises

All emails received replying to the Email Event Notification will allow us to identify the date and time you registered. Any registrations received before the published date and time will not be accepted. Slip assignments and access to the events will be based on the date and time your registration is received.

Event Registration

The cruise leader will send out notifications to everyone advising if you are INVITED TO REGISTER or on a STANDBY LIST based on the time your request to register was received. Those who will register at that time will receive the following instructions.

  • Upon receiving the Event Registration Notification, you will be notified of the date and time by which your payment is due and where to send the payment. If payment is not received by the deadline you will be placed on the standby list.
  • Members who are being registered will also receive an Event Registration Link by way of our Constant Contact Website which you  will be asked to complete.  Please note:  Once registered, there is a no refund policy. 
  • Standby List will be established based on the time we receive your email. You will be notified immediately if someone cancels or if members fail to send in their registration payment.

2024 Extended Cruise Chair

Rear Commodore Jim Commers